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Section 14 General Methods and Instrumentation

The 80+ volume Annual Book of ASTM Standards contains ASTM's 12,000+ standards and is available in print formats. The bundles can be purchased separately as part or as a complete set of 80+ volume with a significant discount compared to purchasing individual standards.

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ASTM Volume 14.01 Healthcare Informatics
English Hardcopy
In stock
296.00 EUR
ASTM Volume 14.02 Particle and Spray Characterization; Forensic Sciences; Accreditation & Certification; Forensic Psychophysiology; Nanotechnology; Forensic Engineering
English Hardcopy
In stock
235.00 EUR
ASTM Volume 14.03 Sensory Evaluation; Temperature Measurement; Language Services and Products
English Hardcopy
In stock
236.00 EUR
ASTM Volume 14.04 Laboratory Apparatus; Degradation of Materials; SI; Oxygen Fire Safety
English Hardcopy
In stock
266.00 EUR
ASTM Volume 14.05 Statistical Methods; Hazard Potential of Chemicals; Thermal Measurements; Manufacture of Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Products
English Hardcopy
In stock
308.00 EUR