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Homepage>BS Standards>31 ELECTRONICS>31.060 Capacitors>31.060.50 Aluminium electrolytic capacitors>BS CECC 30301 024:1981 Harmonized detail specification for fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors (long-life grade). Non-solid electrolyte. Cylindrical, polar insulated metallic case, clamp or stud mounting screw terminations. Full plus additional assessment level
immediate downloadReleased: 1981-03-15
BS CECC 30301 024:1981 Harmonized detail specification for fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors (long-life grade). Non-solid electrolyte. Cylindrical, polar insulated metallic case, clamp or stud mounting screw terminations. Full plus additional assessment level

BS CECC 30301 024:1981

Harmonized detail specification for fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors (long-life grade). Non-solid electrolyte. Cylindrical, polar insulated metallic case, clamp or stud mounting screw terminations. Full plus additional assessment level

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Standard number:BS CECC 30301 024:1981
ISBN:0 580 12022 8

BS CECC 30301 024:1981

This standard BS CECC 30301 024:1981 Harmonized detail specification for fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors (long-life grade). Non-solid electrolyte. Cylindrical, polar insulated metallic case, clamp or stud mounting screw terminations. Full plus additional assessment level is classified in these ICS categories:
  • 31.060.50 Aluminium electrolytic capacitors

Describes a range of capacitors with a capacitance tolerance of -10% to +50% and climatic category 25/085/56.