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Homepage>BS Standards>13 ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH PROTECTION. SAFETY>13.020 Environment protection>13.020.01 Environment and environmental protection in general>BS EN ISO 14044:2006+A2:2020 Environmental management. Life cycle assessment. Requirements and guidelines
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BS EN ISO 14044:2006+A2:2020 Environmental management. Life cycle assessment. Requirements and guidelines

BS EN ISO 14044:2006+A2:2020

Environmental management. Life cycle assessment. Requirements and guidelines

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English Secure PDF
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345.10 EUR
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34.51 EUR
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103.53 EUR
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345.10 EUR
Standard number:BS EN ISO 14044:2006+A2:2020
ISBN:978 0 539 01349 8

BS EN ISO 14044:2006+A2:2020

This standard BS EN ISO 14044:2006+A2:2020 Environmental management. Life cycle assessment. Requirements and guidelines is classified in these ICS categories:
  • 13.020.60 Product life-cycles
  • 13.020.10 Environmental management
  • 13.020.01 Environment and environmental protection in general

This International Standard specifies requirements and provides guidelines for life cycle assessment (LCA) including

  1. the goal and scope definition of the LCA,

  2. the life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) phase,

  3. the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) phase,

  4. the life cycle interpretation phase,

  5. reporting and critical review of the LCA,

  6. limitations of the LCA,

  7. relationship between the LCA phases, and

  8. conditions for use of value choices and optional elements.

This International Standard covers life cycle assessment (LCA) studies and life cycle inventory (LCI) studies.

The intended application of LCA or LCI results is considered during the goal and scope definition, but the application itself is outside the scope of this International Standard.

This International Standard is not intended for contractual or regulatory purposes or registration and certification.

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