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Homepage>BS Standards>47 SHIPBUILDING AND MARINE STRUCTURES>47.020 Shipbuilding and marine structures in general>47.020.70 Navigation and control equipment>BS ISO 22090-1:2014 Ships and marine technology. Transmitting heading devices (THDs) Gyro-compasses
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BS ISO 22090-1:2014 Ships and marine technology. Transmitting heading devices (THDs) Gyro-compasses

BS ISO 22090-1:2014

Ships and marine technology. Transmitting heading devices (THDs) Gyro-compasses

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Standard number:BS ISO 22090-1:2014
ISBN:978 0 580 79393 6

BS ISO 22090-1:2014

This standard BS ISO 22090-1:2014 Ships and marine technology. Transmitting heading devices (THDs) is classified in these ICS categories:
  • 47.020.70 Navigation and control equipment

This part of ISO 22090 specifies the construction, performance, and testing of gyro-compasses as transmitting heading device required by chapter V, SOLAS 1974 (as amended).

A Transmitting heading device (THD) is an electronic device that provides information about the ship’s true heading.

In addition to the general requirements contained in IMO Resolution A.694(17) to which IEC 60945 is associated and the relevant standard for the sensing part used, the THD equipment shall comply with the following minimum requirements.

Where the IMO performance standards that apply to the sensing part do not specify a geographical operating area that the THD shall operate

  1. at maximum rate of turn 20 °/s and

  2. from 70° latitude south to 70° latitude north as minimum.

The THDs complying with the requirements contained in this part of ISO 22090 can be used for heading information as contained in chapter V of the SOLAS Convention.

However, ships within a speed range of 30 kn to 70 kn should comply with the requirements of IMO Resolution A.821(19).

In addition, such THD should meet the dynamic requirements contained in the HSC Code, chapter 13 for the carriage of a suitable device providing heading information.

NOTE 1 Several technologies can be used to detect and transmit heading information. It is illogical to standardize the detection of the heading separately from the transmission of the heading. Therefore, separate parts of this part of ISO 22090 refer to different technologies. The requirements of this part of ISO 22090 only apply to gyroscopic technology. Other technologies are covered in other parts of ISO 22090.

NOTE 2 All requirements that are extracted from the recommendations of IMO Resolution MSC. 116(73) on performance standards for transmitting heading devices are printed in italics.