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BS ISO 26324:2022 Information and documentation. Digital object identifier system

BS ISO 26324:2022

Information and documentation. Digital object identifier system

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Standard number:BS ISO 26324:2022
ISBN:978 0 539 15139 8
BS ISO 26324:2022 - Information and Documentation. Digital Object Identifier System

BS ISO 26324:2022 - Information and Documentation. Digital Object Identifier System

Standard Number: BS ISO 26324:2022

Pages: 28

Released: 2022-09-13

ISBN: 978 0 539 15139 8

Name: Information and Documentation. Digital Object Identifier System

Status: Standard


The BS ISO 26324:2022 standard is a comprehensive guide that outlines the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) system, a crucial tool in the realm of information and documentation. Released on September 13, 2022, this 28-page document provides an in-depth understanding of the DOI system, which is essential for the identification and management of digital content.

What is the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) System?

The DOI system is a standardized method for identifying digital objects, such as electronic documents, datasets, and multimedia content. It provides a unique and persistent identifier for each digital object, ensuring that it can be easily located and accessed over time. The DOI system is widely used in academic publishing, research, and digital libraries, making it an indispensable tool for managing digital information.

Key Features of BS ISO 26324:2022

  • Comprehensive Coverage: The standard covers all aspects of the DOI system, including its structure, syntax, and application. It provides detailed guidelines on how to implement and manage DOIs effectively.
  • Global Standard: As an ISO standard, BS ISO 26324:2022 is recognized and adopted worldwide. It ensures consistency and interoperability across different systems and platforms.
  • Persistent Identification: The DOI system ensures that digital objects can be reliably identified and accessed over time, even if their location or metadata changes.
  • Interoperability: The standard promotes interoperability between different systems and platforms, making it easier to share and manage digital content across various domains.
  • Enhanced Metadata: The DOI system supports rich metadata, allowing for detailed descriptions and improved discoverability of digital objects.

Benefits of Implementing BS ISO 26324:2022

Implementing the BS ISO 26324:2022 standard offers numerous benefits for organizations and individuals involved in the creation, management, and dissemination of digital content. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Improved Access and Discoverability: By providing unique and persistent identifiers, the DOI system enhances the discoverability and accessibility of digital objects. This is particularly important for academic and research communities, where the ability to locate and access relevant content is crucial.
  • Enhanced Data Management: The DOI system facilitates better data management by providing a standardized method for identifying and tracking digital objects. This helps organizations maintain accurate records and ensures that digital content can be easily located and retrieved.
  • Increased Interoperability: The global recognition and adoption of the DOI system promote interoperability between different systems and platforms. This makes it easier to share and manage digital content across various domains, enhancing collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Long-term Preservation: The persistent nature of DOIs ensures that digital objects can be reliably identified and accessed over time, even if their location or metadata changes. This is essential for the long-term preservation of digital content.
  • Enhanced Metadata: The DOI system supports rich metadata, allowing for detailed descriptions and improved discoverability of digital objects. This enhances the value and usability of digital content.

Who Should Use BS ISO 26324:2022?

The BS ISO 26324:2022 standard is relevant to a wide range of stakeholders involved in the creation, management, and dissemination of digital content. This includes:

  • Academic and Research Institutions: Universities, research organizations, and academic publishers can benefit from the DOI system by improving the discoverability and accessibility of their digital content.
  • Libraries and Archives: Digital libraries and archives can use the DOI system to manage and preserve their digital collections, ensuring that they can be reliably identified and accessed over time.
  • Publishers: Publishers of digital content, including books, journals, and multimedia, can use the DOI system to enhance the discoverability and accessibility of their publications.
  • Data Repositories: Organizations that manage digital datasets can use the DOI system to provide unique and persistent identifiers for their data, facilitating better data management and sharing.
  • Government and Non-profit Organizations: Government agencies and non-profit organizations involved in the creation and dissemination of digital content can use the DOI system to improve the management and accessibility of their digital assets.


The BS ISO 26324:2022 standard is an essential resource for anyone involved in the management and dissemination of digital content. By providing a standardized method for identifying and managing digital objects, the DOI system enhances the discoverability, accessibility, and long-term preservation of digital content. Whether you are an academic institution, a publisher, a digital library, or a data repository, implementing the BS ISO 26324:2022 standard can help you improve the management and accessibility of your digital assets.


BS ISO 26324:2022

This standard BS ISO 26324:2022 Information and documentation. Digital object identifier system is classified in these ICS categories:
  • 01.140.20 Information sciences