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Homepage>BS Standards>03 SOCIOLOGY. SERVICES. COMPANY ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT. ADMINISTRATION. TRANSPORT>03.100 Company organization and management>03.100.70 Management systems>BS ISO 30005:2024 Ships and marine technology. Ship recycling management. Information control for hazardous materials in the manufacturing chain of shipbuilding and ship operations
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BS ISO 30005:2024

Ships and marine technology. Ship recycling management. Information control for hazardous materials in the manufacturing chain of shipbuilding and ship operations

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Standard number:BS ISO 30005:2024
ISBN:978 0 539 17750 3
BS ISO 30005:2024 - Ships and Marine Technology

BS ISO 30005:2024 - Ships and Marine Technology

Ship Recycling Management: Information Control for Hazardous Materials in the Manufacturing Chain of Shipbuilding and Ship Operations

Standard Number: BS ISO 30005:2024

Pages: 42

Released: 2024-07-23

ISBN: 978 0 539 17750 3

Status: Standard


The BS ISO 30005:2024 standard is an essential document for professionals in the maritime industry, focusing on the management of ship recycling and the control of hazardous materials throughout the shipbuilding and operational lifecycle. This comprehensive standard provides guidelines and best practices to ensure that hazardous materials are effectively managed, minimizing environmental impact and enhancing safety.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Guidelines: Offers detailed instructions on managing hazardous materials from the initial stages of shipbuilding through to the end-of-life recycling process.
  • Environmental Protection: Emphasizes the importance of reducing environmental impact by controlling hazardous substances.
  • Safety Standards: Ensures that safety protocols are in place to protect workers and the environment during ship recycling operations.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Helps organizations comply with international regulations and standards related to ship recycling and hazardous materials management.
  • Lifecycle Management: Covers the entire lifecycle of a ship, from construction to decommissioning, ensuring that hazardous materials are managed at every stage.

Why Choose BS ISO 30005:2024?

The maritime industry faces significant challenges in managing hazardous materials, particularly during the recycling phase of a ship's lifecycle. The BS ISO 30005:2024 standard addresses these challenges by providing a structured approach to hazardous materials management. By adhering to this standard, organizations can:

  • Enhance Safety: Implementing the guidelines helps protect workers from exposure to hazardous substances.
  • Reduce Environmental Impact: Proper management of hazardous materials minimizes pollution and environmental degradation.
  • Ensure Compliance: Stay compliant with international regulations and avoid potential legal and financial penalties.
  • Improve Efficiency: Streamlined processes for managing hazardous materials can lead to cost savings and operational efficiencies.
  • Boost Reputation: Demonstrating a commitment to environmental and safety standards can enhance an organization's reputation in the industry.

Who Should Use This Standard?

The BS ISO 30005:2024 standard is designed for a wide range of stakeholders in the maritime industry, including:

  • Shipbuilders: Ensure that hazardous materials are managed from the initial stages of construction.
  • Ship Operators: Maintain control over hazardous substances throughout the operational lifecycle of the ship.
  • Recycling Facilities: Implement best practices for the safe and environmentally friendly recycling of ships.
  • Regulatory Bodies: Monitor and enforce compliance with international standards and regulations.
  • Environmental Organizations: Advocate for sustainable practices in the maritime industry.

Detailed Content

The BS ISO 30005:2024 standard spans 42 pages and covers a wide range of topics related to hazardous materials management in the maritime industry. Key sections include:

  • Introduction: Overview of the standard's objectives and scope.
  • Definitions: Key terms and definitions related to hazardous materials and ship recycling.
  • Management Systems: Guidelines for establishing and maintaining effective hazardous materials management systems.
  • Operational Controls: Best practices for controlling hazardous materials during ship operations.
  • Recycling Procedures: Detailed instructions for the safe and environmentally friendly recycling of ships.
  • Compliance and Monitoring: Methods for ensuring compliance with the standard and monitoring hazardous materials management practices.


The BS ISO 30005:2024 standard is an invaluable resource for anyone involved in the maritime industry. By providing comprehensive guidelines for the management of hazardous materials, this standard helps organizations enhance safety, reduce environmental impact, and ensure compliance with international regulations. Whether you are a shipbuilder, operator, recycler, or regulator, the BS ISO 30005:2024 standard is essential for promoting sustainable and responsible practices in the maritime industry.


BS ISO 30005:2024

This standard BS ISO 30005:2024 Ships and marine technology. Ship recycling management. Information control for hazardous materials in the manufacturing chain of shipbuilding and ship operations is classified in these ICS categories:
  • 03.100.70 Management systems
  • 47.020.01 General standards related to shipbuilding and marine structures