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Homepage>BS Standards>11 HEALTH CARE TECHNOLOGY>11.180 Aids for disabled or handicapped persons>11.180.99 Other standards related to aids for disabled and handicapped people>PD ISO/IEC TR 13066-3:2012 Information technology. Interoperability with Assistive Technology (AT) IAccessible2 accessibility application programming interface (API)
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PD ISO/IEC TR 13066-3:2012 Information technology. Interoperability with Assistive Technology (AT) IAccessible2 accessibility application programming interface (API)

PD ISO/IEC TR 13066-3:2012

Information technology. Interoperability with Assistive Technology (AT) IAccessible2 accessibility application programming interface (API)

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325.33 USD
Standard number:PD ISO/IEC TR 13066-3:2012
ISBN:978 0 580 73445 8

PD ISO/IEC TR 13066-3:2012

This standard PD ISO/IEC TR 13066-3:2012 Information technology. Interoperability with Assistive Technology (AT) is classified in these ICS categories:
  • 11.180.99 Other standards related to aids for disabled and handicapped people
  • 35.180 IT terminal and other peripheral equipment

This part of ISO/IEC 13066 provides an overview to the structure and terminology of the IAccessible2 accessibility API.

It provides:

  • a description of the overall architecture and terminology of the API;

  • further introductory explanations regarding the content and use of the API beyond those found in Annex A of ISO/IEC 13066-1;

  • an overview of the main properties, including:

    • of user interface elements,

    • of how to get and set focus,

    • of communication mechanisms in the API;

  • a discussion of design considerations for the API (e.g. pointers to external sources of information on accessibility guidance related to using the API);

  • information on extending the API (and where this is appropriate);

  • an introduction to the programming interface of the API (including pointers to external sources of information).

It provides this information as an introduction to the IAccessible2 API to assist:

  • IT system level developers who create custom controls and/or interface to them;

  • AT developers involved in programming "hardware to software" and "software to software" interactions.