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Homepage>CSN Standards>32 SHIPS AND FLOATING INSTALLATIONS>3252 Ship pipeline systems>CSN EN 17556 - Inland navigation vessels - Safety rota and safety plans for passenger vessels
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Released: 01.03.2022
CSN EN 17556 - Inland navigation vessels - Safety rota and safety plans for passenger vessels

CSN EN 17556

Inland navigation vessels - Safety rota and safety plans for passenger vessels

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English Hardcopy
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61.00 EUR
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Number of Standard:CSN EN 17556
Catalog number:513709

CSN EN 17556

CSN EN 17556 This document provides guidelines for the preparation of a safety rota and safety plans on passenger vessels for inland navigation. It supports the safety organization on board. Furthermore, it describes the code of conduct necessary for passengers on cabin vessels. Annex B contains an example of a safety rota, a safety plan and a code of conduct for passengers, respectively.
Original English text of CSN EN Standard.
The price of the Standard included all amendments and correcturs.