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Released: 01.09.2020
CSN EN ISO 21420 - Protective gloves - General requirements and test methods

CSN EN ISO 21420

Protective gloves - General requirements and test methods

84 EUR
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Number of Standard:CSN EN ISO 21420
Catalog number:510307

CSN EN ISO 21420

CSN EN ISO 21420 This document specifies the general requirements and relevant test procedures for glove design and construction, innocuousness, comfort and efficiency, as well as the marking and information supplied by the manufacturer applicable to all protective gloves. It can also apply to arm protectors and gloves permanently incorporated in containment enclosures. Gloves and hand protectors such as mittens, pot holders and arm protection are covered by this document. This document does not address the protective properties of gloves and therefore is not used alone but only in combination with the appropriate specific standard(s). A non-exhaustive list of these standards is given in the Bibliography.
Original English text of CSN EN Standard.
The price of the Standard included all amendments and correcturs.