Ambient air - Methodology to assess the performance of receptor oriented source apportionment modelling applications for particulate matter
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Number of Standard:
CSN P CEN/TS 17458
Catalog number:
CSN P CEN/TS 17458
CSN P CEN/TS 17458 The European Directive on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe (2008/50/EC; AQD) identifies different uses for modelling: Assessment, planning, forecast and source apportionment (SA). This document addresses source apportionment modelling and specifies performance tests to check whether given criteria for receptor oriented source apportionment models (RM) are met. The scope of the tests set out in this document is the performance assessment of SA of particulate matter using RM in the context of the European Directives 2004/107/EC and AQD, including the Commission Implementing Decision 2011/850/EU of 12 December 2011. The application of RM does not quantify the spatial origin of particulate matter; hence, this document does not test spatial SA. This document addresses RM users: practitioners of individual source apportionment studies as well as participants and organizers of source apportionment intercomparison studies. This document is suitable for the evaluation of results of a specific SA modelling system with respect to reference values (a priori known or calculated on the basis of intercomparison participants' values) in the following application areas: - Assessment of performance and uncertainties of a modelling system or modelling system set up using the indicators laid down in this document. - Testing and comparing different source apportionment outputs in a specific situation (applying an evaluation data set) using the indicators laid down in this document. - QA/QC tests every time practitioners run a modelling system. It should be noted for clarity that the procedures and calculations presented in this document cannot be used to check the performance of a specific SA modelling result without having any a priori reference information about the contributions of sources/source categories. Original English text of CSN EN Standard. The price of the Standard included all amendments and correcturs.