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1950 Eye optics, common requirements
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Price exclude VAT will be charged for customers of European Union – VAT payers (with valid EU VAT number) and for customers outside of European Union.
CSN EN ISO 15004-2
Ophthalmic instruments - Fundamental requirements and test methods - Part 2: Light hazard protection (ISO 15004-2:2007)
Ophthalmic instruments - Fundamental requirements and test methods - Part 2: Light hazard protection (ISO 15004-2:2007)
Released: 01.08.2007
English Hardcopy
In stock
84.00 EUR
CSN EN ISO 15253
Ophthalmic optics and instruments - Optical and electrooptical devices for enhancing low vision
Ophthalmic optics and instruments - Optical and electrooptical devices for enhancing low vision
Released: 01.03.2022
English Hardcopy
In stock
84.00 EUR
Ophthalmic instruments - Tonometers (ISO 8612:2009)
Ophthalmic instruments - Tonometers (ISO 8612:2009)
Released: 01.12.2009
English Hardcopy
In stock
61.00 EUR
CSN EN ISO 15752
Ophthalmic instruments - Endoilluminators - Fundamental requirements and test methods for optical radiation safety
Ophthalmic instruments - Endoilluminators - Fundamental requirements and test methods for optical radiation safety
Released: 01.03.2010
English Hardcopy
In stock
52.00 EUR
CSN EN ISO 22665
Ophthalmic optics and instruments - Instruments to measure axial distances in the eye
Ophthalmic optics and instruments - Instruments to measure axial distances in the eye
Released: 01.08.2013
English Hardcopy
In stock
52.00 EUR
CSN EN ISO 9342-2
Optics and optical instruments - Test lenses for calibration of focimeters - Part 2: Test lenses for focimeters used for measuring contact lenses
Optics and optical instruments - Test lenses for calibration of focimeters - Part 2: Test lenses for focimeters used for measuring contact lenses
Released: 01.05.2006
English Hardcopy
In stock
52.00 EUR
Ophthalmic instruments - Trial case lenses
Ophthalmic instruments - Trial case lenses
Released: 01.02.2010
English Hardcopy
In stock
61.00 EUR
CSN EN ISO 10342
Ophthalmic instruments - Eye refractometers (ISO 10342:2010)
Ophthalmic instruments - Eye refractometers (ISO 10342:2010)
Released: 01.11.2010
English Hardcopy
In stock
52.00 EUR
CSN EN ISO 10341
Ophthalmic instruments - Refractor heads
Ophthalmic instruments - Refractor heads
Released: 01.08.2013
English Hardcopy
In stock
52.00 EUR
CSN EN ISO 10938
Ophthalmic optics - Chart displays for visual acuity measurement - Printed, projected and electronic
Ophthalmic optics - Chart displays for visual acuity measurement - Printed, projected and electronic
Released: 01.05.2017
English Hardcopy
In stock
52.00 EUR
CSN EN ISO 10939
Ophthalmic instruments - Slit-lamp microscopes
Ophthalmic instruments - Slit-lamp microscopes
Released: 01.11.2017
English Hardcopy
In stock
52.00 EUR
CSN EN ISO 19980
Ophthalmic instruments - Corneal topographers
Ophthalmic instruments - Corneal topographers
Released: 01.12.2021
English Hardcopy
In stock
69.00 EUR