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6431 Plastic distribution and protective piping systems
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Price exclude VAT will be charged for customers of European Union – VAT payers (with valid EU VAT number) and for customers outside of European Union.
English Hardcopy
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52.00 EUR
CSN EN ISO 6259-3
Thermoplastics pipes - Determination of tensile properties - Part 3: Polyolefin pipes
Thermoplastics pipes - Determination of tensile properties - Part 3: Polyolefin pipes
Released: 01.12.2015
English Hardcopy
In stock
61.00 EUR
English Hardcopy
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84.00 EUR
CSN P CEN/TS 12200-2
Plastics rainwater piping systems for above ground external use - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 2: Guidance for the assessment of conformity
Plastics rainwater piping systems for above ground external use - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 2: Guidance for the assessment of conformity
Released: 01.08.2017
English Hardcopy
In stock
61.00 EUR
English Hardcopy
In stock
61.00 EUR
CSN ISO 10466
Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes - Test method to prove the resistance to initial ring deflection
Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes - Test method to prove the resistance to initial ring deflection
Released: 01.05.2022
English Hardcopy
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52.00 EUR
CSN EN 12100
Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) valves - Test method for resistance to bending between supports
Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) valves - Test method for resistance to bending between supports
Released: 01.09.1998
English Hardcopy
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37.00 EUR
English Hardcopy
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49.00 EUR
CSN EN 1705
Plastics piping systems - Thermoplastics valves - Test for integrity of a valve after an external blow
Plastics piping systems - Thermoplastics valves - Test for integrity of a valve after an external blow
Released: 01.01.1998
English Hardcopy
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49.00 EUR
Plastics piping systems - Mechanical joints between fittings and pressure pipes - Test method for leaktightness under internal pressure
Plastics piping systems - Mechanical joints between fittings and pressure pipes - Test method for leaktightness under internal pressure
Released: 01.10.2015
English Hardcopy
In stock
52.00 EUR
English Hardcopy
In stock
61.00 EUR
Plastics piping systems - Mechanical joints between fittings and pressure pipes - Test method for resistance to pull-out under constant longitudinal force
Plastics piping systems - Mechanical joints between fittings and pressure pipes - Test method for resistance to pull-out under constant longitudinal force
Released: 01.07.2022
English Hardcopy
In stock
52.00 EUR