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7308 Fire safety of buildings
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Price exclude VAT will be charged for customers of European Union – VAT payers (with valid EU VAT number) and for customers outside of European Union.
CSN EN 1366-10
Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 10: Smoke control dampers
Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 10: Smoke control dampers
Released: 01.02.2023
English Hardcopy
In stock
127.78 USD
English Hardcopy
In stock
117.78 USD
CSN EN 15725
Extended application on the fire performance of construction products and building elements: Principle of EXAP standards and EXAP reports
Extended application on the fire performance of construction products and building elements: Principle of EXAP standards and EXAP reports
Released: 01.06.2023
English Hardcopy
In stock
76.67 USD
Reaction to fire tests for products - Determination of the gross heat of combustion (calorific value)
Reaction to fire tests for products - Determination of the gross heat of combustion (calorific value)
Released: 01.10.2018
English Hardcopy
In stock
93.33 USD
Test methods for external fire exposure to roofs
Test methods for external fire exposure to roofs
Released: 01.06.2012
English Hardcopy
In stock
108.89 USD
CSN EN 14390
Fire test - Large-scale room reference test for surface products
Fire test - Large-scale room reference test for surface products
Released: 01.05.2007
English Hardcopy
In stock
102.22 USD
CSN ISO 23932-1
Fire safety engineering - General principles - Part 1: General
Fire safety engineering - General principles - Part 1: General
Released: 01.12.2023
English Hardcopy
In stock
76.67 USD
CSN P ISO/TS 29761
Fire safety engineering - Selection of design occupant behavioural scenarios
Fire safety engineering - Selection of design occupant behavioural scenarios
Released: 01.12.2023
English Hardcopy
In stock
76.67 USD
English Hardcopy
In stock
108.89 USD
CSN P CEN/TS 15447
Mounting and fixing in reaction to fire tests under the Construction Products Directive
Mounting and fixing in reaction to fire tests under the Construction Products Directive
Released: 01.12.2006
English Hardcopy
In stock
93.33 USD
CSN P ISO/TS 16733-2
Fire safety engineering - Selection of design fire scenarios and design fires - Part 2: Design fire
Fire safety engineering - Selection of design fire scenarios and design fires - Part 2: Design fire
Released: 01.12.2023
English Hardcopy
In stock
108.89 USD
CSN ISO 16733-1
Fire safety engineering - Selection of design fire scenarios and design fires - Part 1: Selection of design fire scenarios
Fire safety engineering - Selection of design fire scenarios and design fires - Part 1: Selection of design fire scenarios
Released: 01.12.2023
English Hardcopy
In stock
93.33 USD