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7308 Fire safety of buildings
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22 results
First pagePrev12CSN EN 13381-7
Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members - Part 7: Applied protection to timber members
Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members - Part 7: Applied protection to timber members
Released: 01.09.2019
English Hardcopy
In stock
115.00 EUR
CSN EN 13381-10
Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members - Part 10: Applied protection to solid steel bars in tension
Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members - Part 10: Applied protection to solid steel bars in tension
Released: 01.07.2020
English Hardcopy
In stock
69.00 EUR
English Hardcopy
In stock
92.00 EUR
CSN EN 13381-1
Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members - Part 1: Horizontal protective membranes
Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members - Part 1: Horizontal protective membranes
Released: 01.11.2020
English Hardcopy
In stock
92.00 EUR
English Hardcopy
In stock
178.00 EUR
CSN EN ISO 13943
Fire safety - Vocabulary
Fire safety - Vocabulary
Released: 01.04.2024
English Hardcopy
In stock
106.00 EUR
English Hardcopy
In stock
106.00 EUR
CSN P CEN/TS 16459
External fire exposure of roofs and roof coverings - Extended application of test results from CEN/TS 1187
External fire exposure of roofs and roof coverings - Extended application of test results from CEN/TS 1187
Released: 01.02.2020
English Hardcopy
In stock
115.00 EUR
English Hardcopy
In stock
115.00 EUR
CSN EN 13823+A1
Reaction to fire tests for building products - Building products excluding floorings exposed to the thermal attack by a single burning item
Reaction to fire tests for building products - Building products excluding floorings exposed to the thermal attack by a single burning item
Released: 01.10.2022
English Hardcopy
In stock
115.00 EUR
22 results
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