IEC 61310-1:2007
Safety of machinery - Indication, marking and actuation - Part 1: Requirements for visual, acoustic and tactile signals
Sécurité des machines - Indication, marquage, manoeuvre - Partie 1: Exigences pour les signaux visuels, acoustiques et tactiles
Standard number: | IEC 61310-1:2007 |
Released: | 2007-02-16 |
Language: | English/French - Bilingual |
IEC 61310-1:2007
Specifies requirements for visual, acoustic and tactile methods of indicating safety-related information, at the human-machine interface and to exposed persons. It specifies a system of colours, safety signs, markings and other warnings, intended for use in the indication of hazardous situations and health hazards and for meeting certain emergencies. It also specifies ways of coding visual, acoustic and tactile signals for indicators and actuators to facilitate the safe use and monitoring of the machinery. It includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: Adapted to the basic standards IEC 60073, IEC 60417, ISO 3864-1, ISO 7000 and ISO 7010
Acoustics - Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and equipment - Part 1: Planning (ISO/TR 11688-1:1995)
Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 1: General principles for design (ISO 13849-1:2023)
Safety of machinery - Guidance for the application of ergonomics standards in the design of machinery