IEC 62055-31:2022
Electricity metering - Payment systems - Part 31: Particular requirements - Static payment meters for active energy (classes 0,5, 1 and 2)
Équipements de comptage de l'électricité - Systèmes à paiement - Partie 31: Exigences particulières - Compteurs statiques à paiement d'énergie active (classes 0,5, 1 et 2)
Standard number: | IEC 62055-31:2022 |
Released: | 2022-06-21 |
Language: | English/French - Bilingual |
IEC 62055-31:2022
IEC 62055-31:2022 applies to newly manufactured, static watt-hour payment meters of accuracy classes 0,5, 1 and 2 for direct connection, for the measurement of alternating current electrical energy consumption of a frequency in the range 45 Hz to 65 Hz that include a supply control switch for the purpose of interruption or restoration of the electricity supply to the load in accordance with the current value of the available credit maintained in the payment meter. It does not apply to static watt-hour payment meters where the voltage across the connection terminals exceeds 1 000 V (line-to-line voltage for meters for polyphase systems). It applies to payment meters for indoor application, operating under normal climatic conditions where the payment meter is mounted as for normal service (i.e. together with a specified matching socket where applicable). Payment meters are implementations where all the main functional elements are incorporated in a single enclosure, together with any specified matching socket. There are also multi-device payment metering installations where the various main functional elements, such as the measuring element, the user interface unit, token carrier interface, and the supply control switch are implemented in more than one enclosure, involving additional interfaces. Functional requirements that apply to payment meters are also defined in this document, and include informative basic functional requirements and tests for the prepayment mode of operation in Annex A. Allowances are made for the relatively wide range of features, options, alternatives, and implementations that may be found in practice. The diverse nature and functionality of payment meters prevent the comprehensive specification of detailed test methods for all of these requirements. However, in this case, the requirements are stated in such a way that tests can then be formulated to respect and validate the specific functionality of the payment meter being tested. This document does not cover specific functionality or performance requirements for circuit protection, isolation or similar purposes that may be specified through reference to other specifications or standards. Safety requirements removed from Edition 1.0 have been replaced with references to the safety requirements now contained in IEC 62052-31:2015, the product safety standard for newly manufactured electricity meters. In-service safety testing (ISST) is not covered by IEC 62052-31:2015 and is left to national best practice usually as an extension of existing in-service testing (IST) of metrology stability. This document does not cover software requirements. This document covers type-testing requirements only. For acceptance testing, the requirements given in IEC 62058‑11:2008 and IEC 62058-31:2008 may be used. Dependability aspects are addressed in the IEC 62059 series of standards. Additional reliability, availability, maintenance and life cycle aspects are provided by IEC TC 56. This document does not cover conformity tests and system compliance tests that may be required in connection with legal or other requirements of some markets. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2005. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Title modified. b) Removal of the contents of Annex C relating to the requirements for the supply control switch, and added reference to IEC 62052-31:2015 which contains the relevant requirements.