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Homepage>IEEE Standards>27 ENERGY AND HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING>27.120 Nuclear energy engineering>27.120.20 Nuclear power plants. Safety>IEEE 497-1981 - IEEE Standard Criteria for Accident Monitoring Instrumentation for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
Released: 31.03.1981

IEEE 497-1981 - IEEE Standard Criteria for Accident Monitoring Instrumentation for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

IEEE Standard Criteria for Accident Monitoring Instrumentation for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

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Standard number:IEEE 497-1981

IEEE 497-1981

This standard applies to the design of instrumentation provided for the control room operator to monitor variables required to determine accident conditions within nuclear power generating stations. The criteria apply to accident monitoring instrumentaton required during the period from accident initiation, through the point in time when personnel access is possible to commence activities in parts of the plant that require inspection, repair, or replacement. Instrumentation addressed by this standard is the minimum necessary for the control room operator to: (1) take the preplanned manual actions to accomplish and maintain safe plant shutdown for design basis accident events; (2) assess the processes of accomplishing and maintaining critical safety functions (that is, reactivity control, core cooling, reactor coolant system integrity, primary reactor containment integrity, and radioactive effluent control); and (3) monitor the extent to which those variables which have the potential for causing a breach of the primary reactor containment have exceeded the design basis values, or that the incore fuel cladding, the reactor coolant pressure boundary, or the primary containment may have been breached. The scope of the standard is limited to onsite environmental and process monitoring.

The purpose of this standard is to provide the minimum design criteria for instrumentation used to meet the accident monitoring requirements of ANSI/ANS-4.5-1980 [l] .1 This standard provides that information required to consolidate existing standards into a cohesive set for application to accident monitoring.

Revision Standard - Inactive-Withdrawn. Criteria for variable selection, performance, design, and qualification of accident monitoring instrumentation are established in this standard. Included requirements for display alternatives for accident monitoring instrumentation, documentation of design bases, and use of portable instrumentation.