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Browse and find all European (CEN / CENELEC) and International standards in our webstore. You can download these Standards immediately in PDF format or order them in Hard copies.

Engineering standards are the basis for achieving safety and reliability in all areas. From the automotive industry to electronics and construction, standards ensure that products and services meet prescribed standards and minimize risk

Increase the competitiveness of your business with technical standards.

You will stand out from the competition with engineering standards! Standards will provide you with a framework for production, processes and quality, which will lead to increased efficiency, reduced errors as well as improved customer confidence in your products or services.

Live in harmony with the global market.

Standards are key to international trade. Using harmonized standards, you can easily expand into new markets, make products and services available worldwide and gain the trust of foreign customers.

Ecology and sustainability - European and International standards strive to protect the environment. By setting strict requirements for emissions, recycling or energy efficiency, they help businesses reduce costs

European Standards (EN) are classified by content in ICS categories, which is decisive for the purpose using these standards.

For example:
01 Terminology and documentation
11 Health care technology
19 Testing (mechanical, non-destructive, environmental, electrical...)
29 Electrical Engineering
and many more: Chemical technology, Railway engineering , Telecommunications Audio and Video engineering, Metallurgy, Petroleum technologies, Agriculture, Rubber and Plastics, Buildings, Civil engineering, Energy and heat transfer engineering, Quality management standards, Safety rules standards... 

This classification is absolutely clear and will help you choose the right standards. 

If you need more informations about canceled standards or their replacement do not hesitate to contact us.

European Standards is an expression of requirements for products, processes or services to meet the requirement of fitness for a particular purpose.


EN Standards have got a positive impact on facilitating the free movement of goods in international trade, seeking to rationalize production, helps to promote environmental protection and competitiveness, ensuring adequate consumer protection in the Internal Market.

Currently, EN qualified technical recommendations are not binding and their use is voluntary.

EN standard, such as publicly available documents, is accessible at all stages of formation and use in practice.

These European Standards, unlike legislation, which may occur without consultation and consent of all the concerned documents, when addressing fundamental questions agreed upon by all stakeholders.