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Homepage>BS Standards>01 GENERALITIES. TERMINOLOGY. STANDARDIZATION. DOCUMENTATION>01.140 Information sciences. Publishing>01.140.20 Information sciences>PD ISO/TR 28118:2009 Information and documentation. Performance indicators for national libraries
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PD ISO/TR 28118:2009 Information and documentation. Performance indicators for national libraries

PD ISO/TR 28118:2009

Information and documentation. Performance indicators for national libraries

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Standard number:PD ISO/TR 28118:2009
ISBN:978 0 580 58127 4

PD ISO/TR 28118:2009

This standard PD ISO/TR 28118:2009 Information and documentation. Performance indicators for national libraries is classified in these ICS categories:
  • 01.140.20 Information sciences

This Technical Report establishes the performance indicators for national libraries. It is also applicable to libraries with regional tasks and without a defined population to be served, as many of their evaluation problems correspond to those of national libraries.

The performance indicators are of special interest for comparison over time within the same library. Comparisons between libraries are possible, if differences in the tasks and constituencies of the libraries are taken into account.

This Technical Report does not include performance indicators for evaluating the outcomes or impact of library services either on individuals, on the communities that libraries serve, or on society at this time. Since this is an evolving area of performance measurement for libraries, such performance indicators can be added at a later date.

This Technical Report is not intended to exclude the use of any performance indicators which have not been specified herein.