VDA 19
Inspection of Technical Cleanliness - Particulate Contamination of Functionally - Relevant Automotive Components
Prüfung der Technischen Sauberkeit - Partikelverunreinigung funktionsrelevanter Automobilteile
This standard was canceled and replaced by: VDA 19.1 : 2015
Released: | 2004 |
Standard number: | VDA 19 |
VDA 19
This standard was canceled and replaced by: VDA 19.1 : 2015
Description English:
The consortium responsible for drawing up the draft of this guideline has also participated as a national working group in compiling the first public edition of the ISO 16232 series. Among other things, the final report differs in the fact that the contents are more detailed and that examples have been included, usually listed either as “Comment” or “Example” or with the addition of “Informative”. With a view to the ISO 16232 series, the following subjects have been dealt with either additionally or in more detail.
- Scope of application and validity
- Agreement on cleanliness inspection (informative)
- Simplified cleanliness inspection – monitoring variations (informative)
- Selection of inspection method (informative)
- Appropriate clean handling of test components
- Extraction procedure set up and validation and blank test
- Case examples.
VDA 19 and other VDA Standards are not available in PDF format
Description German:
Prüfung der Technischen Sauberkeit
- Partikelverunreinigung funktionsrelevanter Automobilteile-
VDA-Band 19 Inhalte
AAnwendungs- und Gültigkeitsbereich
B Auswahl der Prüfmethode (informativ)
C Sauberkeitsgerechte Handhabung von Prüfobjekten
D Qualifizierungsuntersuchungen und Blindwert
E Extraktionsverfahren
E.1 Spritzen
E.2 Ultraschall
E.3 Spülen
E.4 Schütteln
F Analyseverfahren
F.1 Filtration
F.2 Gravimetrie
F.3 Mikroskopie (LM, REM)
F.4 Elementanalyse (EDX)
F.5 Extinktionspartikelzähler (OPZ)
F.6 Direktinspektion
G Dokumentation
H Definitionen, Abkürzungen und Formelzeichen
I Bibliographie (informativ)
J Industrieverbund TecSa (informativ)
K Fallbeispiele (informativ)
K.1 Beispiele für Prüfspezifikationen
K.2 Beispiele für Routineprüfungen
K.3 Beispiel für einen Sonderfall – Pumpe
Technical cleanliness in assembly - Environment, Logistics, Personnel and Assembly Equipment
Quality Assurance in the Process Landscape: sections 1-4: General, risk analyses, methods, process models
Process Audit - Production equipment