VDA 3.1
Reliability Assurance of Car Manufacturers and Suppliers
Zuverlässigkeitssicherung bei Automobilherstellern und Lieferanten - Zuverlässigkeitsmanagement
Standard number: | VDA 3.1 |
Released: | July 2019 |
Edition: | 4th |
VDA 3.1 : 2019
Three VDA volumes cover the topic area of reliability. In 2016, the 4th completely revised edition of Volume 3.2 "Reliability methods and tools" was published. Subsequently, the first edition of Volume 3.3 "Case studies in the reliability control circle" appeared. The last edition of Volume 3.1 "Reliability Management" originates from 2000. The publication of the new volumes necessitated the amendment of the content of Volume 3.1. Software reliability is not taken into account in any of the volumes.
As a superordinate work, Volume 3.1 "Reliability Management" addresses company management, responsible persons and their employees in all product and project phases, from the creation of a product to its decommissioning.
You will find all others VDA standards and volumes here.
VDA 3.1 and other VDA Standards are not available in PDF format
VDA 3.2 - Reliability Assurance of Car Manufacturers and Suppliers Reliability methods and tools
Reliability Assurance of Car Manufacturers and Suppliers Reliability methods and tools
VDA 3.3 - Case Studies in the Reliability control loop
Case Studies in the Reliability control loop
Reliability Assurance of Car Manufacturers and Suppliers Reliability methods and tools
Case Studies in the Reliability control loop
Quality Assurance in the Process Landscape: sections 1-4: General, risk analyses, methods, process models
Process Audit - Production equipment